Foran Family Western Illustrators Gallery
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Foran Family Western Illustrators Gallery

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The Western Gallery emphasizes the American West of cowboys and Indians, including the myths and untruths about this particular part of U.S. history. It focuses on artists who traveled or lived in the West and often painted illustrations for popular consumption through magazines and novels. These include Newell Convers Wyeth, father of Andrew Wyeth; William Robinson Leigh; Joseph Henry Sharp; W. Herbert Dunton; Frank B. Hoffman; and R. Farrington Elwell. Depictions of women in the West form a subset of the presentation with paintings by Remington Schuyler, Charles Hargens, and Charlie Dye. Depictions of true working cowboys are juxtaposed with images of the mythical cowboy.

This gallery is in the Foran Family Galleries.

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General Custer and I were Very Nearly the Same Age and the Best of Friends

General Custer and I were Very Nearly the Same Age and the Best of Friends

W. HERBERT DUNTON (1878-1936), General Custer and I were Very Nearly the Same Age and the Best of Friends, 1910, Oil on canvas, PPHS 2006.21.1
Untitled [Madonna of the Windmill]

Untitled [Madonna of the Windmill]

REMINGTON SCHUYLER (1884-1955), Untitled [Madonna of the Windmill], 1915, Oil on canvas, PPHS 2010.190.1
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