World War 1: The Great War and the Panhandle-Plains Region
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World War 1: The Great War and the Panhandle-Plains Region

Date: Jan 28 - Sept 16, 2017

Harrington Changing Gallery

January 28, 2017- September 16, 2017

Using artifacts (militaria, uniforms, souvenirs, weapons, photographs, archives, and etc.) from PPHM’s collections, the exhibition will examine the before, during, and after lives of various soldiers, Marines, sailors, and nurses (there was no Air Force) from the Panhandle-Plains region who served in “The Great War” (also called “The World War” since nobody expected another one). The museum will partner with West Texas A&M University’s history, English, communication, and art departments, as well as with public schools and veterans groups and their families in the region.

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